Trustees and Management

How we’re structured

Camphill Blair Drummond Trust is a limited company, governed by a Board of Trustees, who meet on a regular basis as a Council of Management to oversee its operations and strategic direction.

To find out more about our structure or our Board of Trustees, please contact Jason Glass at [email protected].

There are currently ten members of the Council of Management, which includes professionals, parents and local people who bring with them a wide range of skills and knowledge.

Our Chief Executive is Jason Glass who, with his team of Senior Leaders, is responsible for the strategic planning, leadership and management of the operations and resources of Camphill Blair Drummond.

In total we have 110 employees, 35 full-time international volunteers and around 40 local volunteers. Most of our employees provide support and care through a wide range of life and work-enriching opportunities they bring to residents and day students. Additionally, internal support roles such as Communications, Learning & Development, Finance and Administration contribute to the smooth and effective running of Camphill Blair Drummond.

MG 2052

Board of Trustees

Meet our Board of Trustees.

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Hi from woodwork 2024

Senior Leaders

Meet our Senior Leaders.

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